Website Rules

The website's management maintains the following rights:
  1. Block profiles immediately without warning
  2. Block profiles without providing justification
  3. If a profile is continuously inactive, block it.
  4. Remind visitors to follow the rules of the website
  5. impose fines for infractions
  6. Account balance is not returned when a profile is deleted due to violations.
  7. modify the terms of service, the associated costs, the scope, and the timing at any time.

Users cannot delete their most recent photo from their profile, but they may substitute it or cancel their account. This is done for security reasons and to safeguard users from false accounts.


Users will be removed for the reasons listed below.

  1. SPAM
  2. online fundraising for charitable causes.
  3. In the event of fraud.
  4. Adding photos that show private areas
  5. disrespectful demeanor (insults, threats, obscene speech).
  6. Any prostitution situation.
  7. use of a VPN or proxy or the TOR browser.
  8. Internet scamming.
Eligible photos:
  1. Photos that show the true profile owner are acceptable.
  2. Clear and complete facial visibility.
  3. images of a decent quality, taken during the day.
Not qualified:
  1. erotic, political, or religious images
  2. group pictures (incl. children)
  3. images showing violent crime, weaponry, and brutality
  4. photos that aren't owned by their owner's copyright
  5. pictures that are offensive
  6. images that advocate smoking, drinking, using drugs or Advertisement

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